Weather was very kind

Sunday, 26th June at Middleton Masonic Hall, the East Lancashire Mark Fellowship held their annual BBQ day. The weather was very kind to all those who attended this great event. With a total attendance of over 75, including Mark Masons, their partners and non-masons in attendance, including RWBro John Hartley Smith, PGM and his wife Jane.… Read more “Weather was very kind”

Barbecue Day at Middleton.

The Mark Fellowship of East Lancashire will be holding a Barbecue Day at Middleton Masonic Hall, M24 4DY, on Sunday, 26th June, commencing at12 noon.

Tickets are £7 including food cooked on the Barbecue by the Fellowship members.
Loads of fun to be had on the day.… Read more “Barbecue Day at Middleton.”

Surprise Early Finish for Middleton Mark

On Wednesday the 5th February Middleton Mark No.1303 held their regular lodge meeting. At 6:45 pm the lodge was opened by the WM, WBro Andrew John Halford and in attendance  was VWBro David H Thompson PGJO Assistant Provincial Grand

Middleton Hog, well and truly roasted.

L1060004From the looks of things, the Middleton Hog was indeed well and truly roasted. The weather did its thing and kept clear for most of the day and no shelter was required. The organising team did a great job of pulling the day together and attracting a goodly number of visitors to the