The Magic of the Mark

Why “magic?”

It’s simple really. So many Freemasons will regularly make reference to the fact that the Mark degree, followed on closely by the Royal Ark Mariner degree, are two of the most enjoyable aspects of their memberships.

Every Companion Order adds something to the fabric, the fun, the friendship and the fellowship of the Masonic experience. But the Mark does seem to have something special about it. It’s really a combination of things when you ask our members.

Many will say that the story and the ritual are unique, enjoyable and easily shared to make our ceremonies participative and manageable; for many it provides their favourite ceremonial experience.

They also make reference to the fun we have! There is certainly a shared attitude and perspective with Mark Masons that we set out to enjoy our membership and the companionship it brings.

In East Lancashire, our Fellowship is a vital part of the ‘East Lancashire experience.’  Add to that our own East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund, our accommodation at Canons Close and Priors Close, the events, the fundraising, the family and community engagement, our special interest lodges, it all adds up to making this a unique degree.

Visiting is another big part of the Mark. And not just within our own Province. So many members have friends in many other Provinces and inter-visiting cements those bonds even further. Indeed, many times you may visit another lodge, even in another Province, and be asked to assist in some small way, perhaps in an office!

It’s all part of the Order. It’s all part of the magic.

Additionally, we find that, as and when our members may, for many reasons, consider reducing their masonic commitments, their Mark lodges are the ones which they hold onto above any others.

As with anything Masonic, membership is all about timing. Getting the timing right makes all the difference between being a member for now, or being a member for life.

Within East Lancashire, we are always supportive of the Craft and Holy Royal Arch and see the value of supporting (especially) new members in their journey through them.

The Mark adds value to them in so many ways, introducing new friends, Lodges, Halls, opportunities through acting offices, special interest lodges and ultimately, an experience which strives to ensure The Mark in an integral part of a Freemason’s Masonic family

So, why magic?

Masonry in all guises is about the members and what they bring to it.

Mark embodies that sentiment even further. For when you make new friends within our Order, you definitely make them for life. As a consequence, we often go home, not just having had a great time, but with an anticipation of when we can return, revisiting the feel-good of membership.

‘The Magic of the Mark’ is waiting to be discovered, explored and enjoyed.

And we’re here to ensure you have the chance to start making your own.

And if your Lodge wishes to hold an evening to showcase themselves, their area and the Order in general, just get in touch. A senior member of the Province will make themselves available to attend and support you.

Get sharing that magic!

W.Bro. Martin Paul Roche, Deputy Provincial Grand Master