Return to Albert Hall Bolton

2023 saw the return of the East Lancashire Mark Provincial Grand Lodge meeting to the superb setting of The Albert Halls, Bolton on Wednesday 24 May.
The Hall opened its doors to over 240 Mark and RAM brethren, with many distinguished guests joining the members of the Province from around the country including the Isle of Man and beyond.
The Provincial meeting opened at 3 pm with the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies WBro Michael Porter and his team at the top of their game ensuring the ceremonial proceedings were up to their usual high standard.
The Provincial Grand Master RWBro John Hartley Smith welcomed all the distinguished guests and thanked the assembled brethren for taking the time out to celebrate this important day in the year of the Province.
During his Address, the PGM made special mention of VWBro David Hedley Thompson who was retiring from office at the meeting. The PGM referred, not only to his many years of service to the Order and the Province, but moreover, his outstanding dedication during the last six years as an Assistant. His comments were received by the assembled brethren with much-deserved acclaim.
The next item was to install WBro Martin Paul Roche as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master and this was done in a very professional and respectful manner indeed.
The main business of the meeting was the investiture of the newly appointed, re-appointed and promoted brethren. Mention must be made at this point of WBro Brian Wilson, a West Lancs Mark Mason, but known to many in East Lancashire. He accompanied the proceedings on the magnificent organ in the Hall and it was a wonderful experience to listen to and enjoyed by all.
The proceedings of the day being ended at 5.15 pm and all made their way to the splendid dining room with over 180 brethren sat down to a most enjoyable three-course meal; many commented on the excellent service and surroundings.
All concluded that it had been a fantastic experience and celebration of achievement, membership and fellowship and was a day to be remembered for all the right reasons.
Congratulations to all of the brethren who received honours on their special day.
Mark well and keep well. Thomas Stewart Mills. Prov Grand Charity Steward

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