Adoniram 1065 Installation

Adoniram Lodge of Mark Masons No 1065 held their installation meeting at the Masonic Hall, Adelaide Street, Accrington, on Tuesday 22nd November. In attendance was RWBro John Hartley Smith, Provincial Grand Master, along with a number of the deputation team.

The Worshipful Master, Bro TG Cornthwaite sadly was unable to attend the installation due to Covid-19. The proceedings of the meeting and the installation of the Master Elect, WBro B Taylor, PProvGSD, JW was conducted by WBro Anthony Hindle, ProvGStwd in a fitting manner.

The newly installed Worshipful Master then proceeded to install his new team into their respective positions. The Provincial Grand Master thanked the Lodge for their very warm welcome and gave an address to the Lodge. The meeting was then closed down after the Worshipful Master gave The Valedictory address to the Lodge.

Onto the social board where the members of Adoniram served the brethren with a pleasant two-course meal. A raffle took place with four prizes being available which raised a lovely amount for good causes. The room was buzzing with laughter and banter and was indeed a most memorable evening.

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