Can you ride Tandem?

The Provincial Charity Steward Stewart Mills (TSM) is determined to raise as much money as possible for our amazing Charity ELMBF during his year 2023/24.  In his efforts, which we are sure your lodge and your members are keen to support, Stewart will undertake a 125 miles ride on a tandem with his Mrs TSM (Janet) riding tandem. Covering the whole distance of the Leeds Liverpool Canal.  In fact it might even be 127 miles, depending on if you listen to, W Bro George Scaife who will ride along with the dynamic duo on  his own shove iron.

They  all intend to commence their journey by  starting in Liverpool and finishing in Leeds.  The date will be announced a little nearer the time but the aim is April 2024.  However giving now will ensure a much needed boost to the ELMBF coffers.  We hope that Mark Men will join him on the journey.  As we know a number of you are keen cyclists.In the next few months Stewart will be visiting as many Lodges as possible to raise as much as you can give so dig deep if you can


2 thoughts on “Can you ride Tandem?

  1. m990 Reply

    TSM is out and about and doing very well in raising donations for his epic ride. Good luck TSM .

  2. Martin Paul Roche Reply

    Every best wish to Janet and Stewart. Safe journey and all our of our thanks for what you are doing for such a worthy cause.

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