Fellowship Barbecue Day- Middleton

On Sunday the 25 June, the Mark Fellowship held their annual Barbecue day at Middleton Masonic Hall. A few of the fellowship team arrived very early to get prepared for the start and by noon, the numbers quickly grew to approximately one hundred Mark Masons, their family and friends. There were a number of stalls, the largest and most colourful being hosted by WBro Garry Errock who had an array of Masonic regalia for sale. Gary has done so much over many years raising thousands of pounds for Mark charities and it was great to have his support.
Another was the raffle table which was well stocked with some super prizes and there was no hiding place from the two raffle sellers who set off in eager pursuit of their generous victims!
In attendance was our Provincial Grand Master, RWBro John Hartley Smith PGM and his wife Jane with our Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, WBro Kevin M Reaney and WBro Martin Roche.
All will undoubtedly agree that one of the highlights of the day was WBro Mark Rowe who brought his magic touch and drawing skills – accompanied by a dazzling array of various crayons – to produce drawings of his famous ‘Karillapig’ (www.karillapig.com) which caused a sensation with the children. It is safe to say that he kept them transfixed with his drawing and storytelling … and there were a fair few adults who loitered in the area to listen too!
Around 1pm the St John’s Brass Band brass band set up in the glorious sunshine bathing the grounds of the hall to entertain for about two hours. Many thanks to WBro Peter Douthwaite who conducted the band and all the members for sharing their talents and their time.
Sadly, the heavens opened up with torrential downpour and the band moved inside the building to finish off the day. It may have dampened the grounds but not the spirits of all present who, from the smiles on their faces as they all said goodbye at the end, had enjoyed a great day of Mark fellowship.
On behalf of the Mark Fellowship may we take this opportunity to thank everybody who attended the event not forgetting the staff at the hall. All in all it was a pleasant day and the Fellowship look forward to your continued support in the coming season.

One thought on “Fellowship Barbecue Day- Middleton

  1. Mark Rowe Reply

    What a great day out The Karillapig enjoyed drawing cartoons with the children.

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