TSMs Famous Curry Night!

One night only TSMs famous curry night is coming to Bury Masonic Hall  

Your chance to enjoy a Ruby Murray in great surroundings with live entertainment. Courtesy of Bury Masonic Hall and TSM (Charity) productions.  

Supporting the ELMBF is an aim of our Province it’s our charity and it means so much to so many Mark Masons.Read more “TSMs Famous Curry Night!”

Can you ride Tandem?

The Provincial Charity Steward Stewart Mills (TSM) is determined to raise as much money as possible for our amazing Charity ELMBF during his year 2023/24.  In his efforts, which we are sure your lodge and your members are keen to support, Stewart will undertake a 125 miles ride on a tandem with his Mrs TSM (Janet) riding tandem.… Read more “Can you ride Tandem?”

Luxury Steam Train Trip

In East Lancashire, we have the ELMBF (East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund) our own Provincial Mark Charity which administers and distributes funds raised within the province of East Lancashire and any National donations provided by the Mark Benevolent Fund.

In addition to its responsibility for the administration of two groups of properties in East Lancashire, provided to give affordable

Summer train trip for ELMBF

In East Lancashire, we have the ELMBF (East Lancashire Mark Benevolent Fund) our own Provincial Mark Charity who administer and distribute funds raised within the province of East Lancashire and any National donations provided by the Mark Benevolent Fund.

In addition to its responsibility for the administration of two groups of properties in East Lancashire, provided to